Lemon Season

Winter in Australia means lemon season. Whilst you can buy lemons all year round, between June and August is when they are at their best and when the backyard lemon tree will be bursting with fruit.


Lemons are rich in vitamin C and contain phytochemicals that help combat chronic conditions such as heart disease. A little bit of lemon juice can even lower the GI of your meal, which means energy is released into your body slower and you feel fuller for longer.

Here are some quick ideas on how you can add lemons into your diet:

  • Add some lemon rounds to your drinking water with some mint for extra flavour

  • Add lemon to black tea with some honey

  • Squeeze lemon juice over your green vegetables like beans or asparagus - you can even season with black pepper and crumbled feta cheese

  • Use grated lemon rind in dishes like risotto

  • Add wedges of lemon when baking fish in the oven

tea infuser with lemon

Once you’ve used your lemons, don’t forget that lemon rind can also be used to create your own homemade cleaner. Add a handful of rinds to a jar filled with 2 cups of white vinegar. Allow to sit for 1-2 weeks, then dilute with equal parts water before using.

