Cleaning your Brushes


Dish brushes are a great alternative to sponges in your kitchen. They don’t hold as much moisture due to the fact the separated bristles dry quickly. This means less chance of bacteria and other germs in your kitchen sink.

Despite this, it is still important to clean your brushes to ensure they are free from food and to give them the longest life possible.

All you will need is:

  • A fork

  • Shallow dish

  • White vinegar

  • Dishwashing liquid (or dishwashing soap bar)

To start, rinse your brush under hot water and ensure all food pieces are removed using the fork.

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Once the brush is free from food debris, put it aside and prepare the cleaning solution. Simply fill a shallow dish with white vinegar, deep enough so it will cover the bristles of the brush. Add a drop of dishwashing liquid and swirl around to mix. Place the brush into the shallow dish, bristles down and leave for about one hour so the solution can get to work.

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Once the hour is up, rinse the brush under hot water and leave to dry with the bristles down so the water falls away from the bamboo.

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And it’s as simple as that! Try to wash your brushes every 1-2 weeks, depending on how much you use them. You can never keep them too clean! Once your brush head starts to deteriorate which you will notice through wood discolouration, consider purchasing a brush head replacement instead of buying a complete new brush. And don’t forget to compost the used brush head!


Harvest Culture