Never too cool for Kale


Kale is one of our modern day superfoods. Rich in vitamins like vitamin A, C and K, packed with minerals like potassium and manganese and full of antioxidants, including those that fight off the common cold. It’s also a great source of Omega 3 and fibre that aids digestion.


But one of the best things about kale is how easy it is to grow, especially in the winter. Winter is the best time to plant kale seedlings. Unlike most plants, kale thrives in the winter and a winter frost actually makes the leaves taste sweeter! Once you harvest the leaves, new leaves will sprout back in one to two weeks. Position in a nice sunny spot in the garden and water regularly.

Here are some ideas on how you can use your home grown kale in the kitchen:

  • Lay out the kale leaves on a baking tray, sprinkle with olive oil and salt and bake for kale chips (you can also try balsamic vinegar as an alternative)

  • Add to your morning smoothie - we like it with orange and ginger

  • Use in pasta bakes or dishes like lasagne instead of spinach

  • In the last few minutes of cooking a curry, add some kale to just soften before serving

  • For a delicious salad, roast kale, mushrooms and tomatoes in the oven and serve with black rice, feta cheese and a squeeze of lemon
